Take the first step towards lifelong brotherhood
Tuesday, January 14 @ 4-6 pm
Location: GFH-Track
Wednesday, January 15th @ 6:30-9pm
Location: SLC Mini Gym
Thursday, January 16th @ 7-8pm
Location: DSP-1250
Friday, January 17th @ 6-8pm
Location: Pi Kappa Phi Mansion
Wednesday, January 22nd @ 7-8pm
Location: GOL-2305
Thursday, January 23rd @ 7-9pm
Location: SLC Court
Tuesday, January 28th @ 6-8pm
Location: Pi Kappa Phi Mansion
Recruitment Chair: Brandon Pineda
Email: BP3007@RIT.EDU
Phone: (917)-615-4980
Vice President: Aidan Brady
Email: ATB7723@RIT.EDU
Phone: (774)-283-2478
Contact our Recruitment Chair to learn more about upcoming events and the rush process.
Get in Touch